Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Drawing Unlimited - The Big Draw

The Fable & Fox studio is located in the University of Ulster Belfast, right beside the VisCom studios which is a complete blessing! Being so close to our friends and other students in VisCom is a fantastic way to socialise, bounce ideas of each other, and get involved in workshops like The Big Draw. 

The Big Draw is a creative drawing workshop involving students from first year, right up to final years. Its great to meet people in other years as its sometimes difficult to interact. The project for this years Big Draw was creative typography. 

We started the class off with a self portrait. Drawing with alternative materials like cotton buds, cardboard, tooth picks and sponges. However, instead of using your normal hand to draw with, you had to switch and use your alternate hand - making things very difficult, and funny. I've often found that drawings i've done with my alternate hand are so interesting. 

My self portrait is hilarious, I look like a grump. Not at all how I intended it to turn out! I shan't point out which one is mine. 

 This was a quick and playful exercise to warm us up and get our creative juices flowing. We then drew letters using various techniques. Play with textures, patterns, focusing on the negative of the letter, using your alternate hand, and doing all of this in a 1 minute - 3 minute time limit. Being precious about the pattern your doing, or staying inside the lines is not the objective, be bold, take risks. This technique of drawing produces great results, the imperfect perfect! 

After drawing our letters, the next task was to make our letters into 3D sculptures from cardboard. 

We really thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and its inspiring for us as it would be fantastic for Fable and Fox to hold workshops like The Big Draw. 

Check out  and for more information on the drawing unlimited workshops and VisCom Belfast.


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