Friday, 30 November 2012


 I was looking through my sketch book, and during our branding process I painted this little guy. I think hes one of my favourite doodles. Meet Foxy!

Check out more of our Foxy items on society6!


Monday, 26 November 2012

Society 6!

So we've gotten round to setting up and uploading onto our society6 page. This really excited me!  I know anyone can have an account and sell their work, but seeing our illustrations available to buy was just an utter 'ahhh!' moment!

I've been focusing on some Christmas designs recently. The Coca Cola advert is on television, Christmas lights have been turned on, and the Belfast Christmas Continental Market is here - Christmas is definitely upon us.... and I'm loving every minute of it!

These four designs are what I've been working on, more to come!

Check out our page for lots of alternative Christmas gift ideas and cards! Enjoy :)


Sunday, 25 November 2012

Pick Up A Penguin

Autumn and Winter are undoubtedly my favourite seasons! I love everything about them! But my little feet definitely disagree! This inspired me to experiment a bit more with my colouring pencils and imagery. I think it's time for another mint hot chocolate.. they're too good!


Sunday, 18 November 2012


I think Movember is a great idea, its a lot of fun for all the guys that take part, and a lot of fun for everyone else to poke fun at how silly they look. The whole moustache trend is really boring me, wherever you look theres moustaches...on everything! Real moustaches however, i'll never be bored off. So, to all of you men out there, which one do you resemble most this Movember?

And if any of you guys haven't signed up, its not too late! Click here!


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Something To Get Your Teeth Into!

We've been a bit ill recently at Fable & Fox so it's great to get our appetite back! Though maybe a bit too much! It's been one of those days where I could eat everything in sight! And as tasty as my sketchbook looks somehow I have managed to resist getting my teeth into it... So far!


Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Our studio was looking a bit bare, so in an attempt to brighten the place up and add a bit of life, I decided to finish a little project I started for myself over the summer. I made several sized origami birds out of plain white thin card and hung them from the ceiling using white thread. I wanted to take it to the next step using some of the patterns i've been experimenting with lately and making individually patterned birds. 

I really like the final result and I think it makes for a nice installation in our studio.  Because of our studios location, people walk past constantly every day causing the birds to move and sway constantly also. Its very mesmerising to watch, I hope you enjoy. 

If you fancy making some origami birds yourself, I used this tutorial I can't express how much this tested my patience, however getting it right is truly satisfying!


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Chalk, chalk, chalk

Everything has been taking off so fast for Fable & Fox and it's so fantastic and humbling!
We have been getting our teeth stuck into drawing and gradually making our studio into such a perfect creative haven, it's so exciting!

Just around the corner from our lovely little studio, there is a huge blackboard right opposite the lift where most staff and design for visual communication students would pass daily. We thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to showcase our name and to get as much feedback and talking to people as possible.

I especially have such a love for chalk and typography so jumped at the opportunity! And we have had so much great feedback from it too. It has just made me more excited to post up some more of our inventive and innovative typography so keep an eye out!
