Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Our studio was looking a bit bare, so in an attempt to brighten the place up and add a bit of life, I decided to finish a little project I started for myself over the summer. I made several sized origami birds out of plain white thin card and hung them from the ceiling using white thread. I wanted to take it to the next step using some of the patterns i've been experimenting with lately and making individually patterned birds. 

I really like the final result and I think it makes for a nice installation in our studio.  Because of our studios location, people walk past constantly every day causing the birds to move and sway constantly also. Its very mesmerising to watch, I hope you enjoy. 

If you fancy making some origami birds yourself, I used this tutorial www.origami-instructions.com/origami-bird-base. I can't express how much this tested my patience, however getting it right is truly satisfying!


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