Thursday, 13 December 2012

VisCom Christmas Cohort

Today I spent the afternoon with other viscom students to hear the experiences of past and current students. It was great to get so many creatives together to hear about the potential and innovation coming from Belfast! There are so many opportunities and events happening right on our doorstep!

First up was Chelsea. For only being in Northern Ireland a few months she was ridiculously confident. Her enthusiasm for exploring and developing herself and career where so strong and passionate. She spoke of her fear of portraiture photography and that the only way to develop her design skills is to confront your fears. 'Approach design fearlessly,' such a quotation to live a design career by and extremely powerful to those thinking of going abroad or into placement. I was especially interested with her views and experiences of design perception and attitudes in different countries and how the education systems supported this also. Her developing confidence and appreciation of the opportunity to study in Belfast where clearly shown, making me quite humbled to be from such a city full of creative potential!

Next up were three incredibly innovative girls, Lucy Liddell, Roisín Magill and Claire Wiggans. During their placement year they explore their entrepreneurial creative minds to create a space for creatives and employment within Belfast. It was evident that their abilities to create, develop and share ideas strengthened greatly throughout the year as well as their business and entrepreneurial sense of mind. They expressed how they found their own strengths and roles within Enyo and how this allowed them to work together stronger and to move the idea and creative prospects forward. They developed their time management skills, business resources and plan allowing them to take part in several pitches reflecting how far they had developed and how passionate they really were about design! Throughout the year their main achievements included creating networking events, pitching to E-Synergy, Visual Belfast Ezine and music competitions, not to mention their own personal developments and growth, general recognition, establishing themselves with a positive reputation. Their want to include all creatives within belfast and to form a network shows their passion for the subject and a serious potential for each of their future careers! Three seriously innovative and inspirational girls to watch out for!

Last up was Karla Burns, a recent graduate who was successful in ISTD (International Society of Typographic Designers) and is currently an intern on a year abroad in Kentucky. So much exciting and potential creative ventures are already happening! She spoke so enthusiastically about D&AD and humbly about how it helped her career especially as a recent post-graduate. Her stories and imagery from Kentucky and her of what her daily life entailed where full of character, personality and a passion for design! However, the way in which she spoke about Belfast's potential and especially the University of Ulster's Design for Visual Communications course, expressed such a flourish and talent for design and creativity right here in Belfast. Opportunity and the ability to network and express our passion and talent for design is in our hands and in our city!

Many thanks to all who helped put the event together and for all the girls for being so inspirational and passionate about design and of course for all the Christmas treats and tree! Yum!


Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Happy birthday Laura!

It's been a busy few weeks with both of us being busy at work and also with a few more graphic design projects so I can't wait to get stuck into some experimental illustrative stuff tomorrow!

But for now, a HUGE happy birthday to the wonderful other half of Fable & Fox! Hope you are getting spoilt today Laura!


Monday, 3 December 2012

It's officially December!

I love how it's officially December, nobody can say it's too early for the festive season to begin! So, the tree is up, the lights are on and the mince pies are out! I love this time of year! Now bring on the snow!

Check out more of our items on Society 6 and feel free to contact us for personalised requests and commissions.


Friday, 30 November 2012


 I was looking through my sketch book, and during our branding process I painted this little guy. I think hes one of my favourite doodles. Meet Foxy!

Check out more of our Foxy items on society6!


Monday, 26 November 2012

Society 6!

So we've gotten round to setting up and uploading onto our society6 page. This really excited me!  I know anyone can have an account and sell their work, but seeing our illustrations available to buy was just an utter 'ahhh!' moment!

I've been focusing on some Christmas designs recently. The Coca Cola advert is on television, Christmas lights have been turned on, and the Belfast Christmas Continental Market is here - Christmas is definitely upon us.... and I'm loving every minute of it!

These four designs are what I've been working on, more to come!

Check out our page for lots of alternative Christmas gift ideas and cards! Enjoy :)


Sunday, 25 November 2012

Pick Up A Penguin

Autumn and Winter are undoubtedly my favourite seasons! I love everything about them! But my little feet definitely disagree! This inspired me to experiment a bit more with my colouring pencils and imagery. I think it's time for another mint hot chocolate.. they're too good!


Sunday, 18 November 2012


I think Movember is a great idea, its a lot of fun for all the guys that take part, and a lot of fun for everyone else to poke fun at how silly they look. The whole moustache trend is really boring me, wherever you look theres moustaches...on everything! Real moustaches however, i'll never be bored off. So, to all of you men out there, which one do you resemble most this Movember?

And if any of you guys haven't signed up, its not too late! Click here!


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Something To Get Your Teeth Into!

We've been a bit ill recently at Fable & Fox so it's great to get our appetite back! Though maybe a bit too much! It's been one of those days where I could eat everything in sight! And as tasty as my sketchbook looks somehow I have managed to resist getting my teeth into it... So far!


Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Our studio was looking a bit bare, so in an attempt to brighten the place up and add a bit of life, I decided to finish a little project I started for myself over the summer. I made several sized origami birds out of plain white thin card and hung them from the ceiling using white thread. I wanted to take it to the next step using some of the patterns i've been experimenting with lately and making individually patterned birds. 

I really like the final result and I think it makes for a nice installation in our studio.  Because of our studios location, people walk past constantly every day causing the birds to move and sway constantly also. Its very mesmerising to watch, I hope you enjoy. 

If you fancy making some origami birds yourself, I used this tutorial I can't express how much this tested my patience, however getting it right is truly satisfying!


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Chalk, chalk, chalk

Everything has been taking off so fast for Fable & Fox and it's so fantastic and humbling!
We have been getting our teeth stuck into drawing and gradually making our studio into such a perfect creative haven, it's so exciting!

Just around the corner from our lovely little studio, there is a huge blackboard right opposite the lift where most staff and design for visual communication students would pass daily. We thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to showcase our name and to get as much feedback and talking to people as possible.

I especially have such a love for chalk and typography so jumped at the opportunity! And we have had so much great feedback from it too. It has just made me more excited to post up some more of our inventive and innovative typography so keep an eye out!


Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Drawing Unlimited - The Big Draw

The Fable & Fox studio is located in the University of Ulster Belfast, right beside the VisCom studios which is a complete blessing! Being so close to our friends and other students in VisCom is a fantastic way to socialise, bounce ideas of each other, and get involved in workshops like The Big Draw. 

The Big Draw is a creative drawing workshop involving students from first year, right up to final years. Its great to meet people in other years as its sometimes difficult to interact. The project for this years Big Draw was creative typography. 

We started the class off with a self portrait. Drawing with alternative materials like cotton buds, cardboard, tooth picks and sponges. However, instead of using your normal hand to draw with, you had to switch and use your alternate hand - making things very difficult, and funny. I've often found that drawings i've done with my alternate hand are so interesting. 

My self portrait is hilarious, I look like a grump. Not at all how I intended it to turn out! I shan't point out which one is mine. 

 This was a quick and playful exercise to warm us up and get our creative juices flowing. We then drew letters using various techniques. Play with textures, patterns, focusing on the negative of the letter, using your alternate hand, and doing all of this in a 1 minute - 3 minute time limit. Being precious about the pattern your doing, or staying inside the lines is not the objective, be bold, take risks. This technique of drawing produces great results, the imperfect perfect! 

After drawing our letters, the next task was to make our letters into 3D sculptures from cardboard. 

We really thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and its inspiring for us as it would be fantastic for Fable and Fox to hold workshops like The Big Draw. 

Check out  and for more information on the drawing unlimited workshops and VisCom Belfast.
